Pesto od sremuša sa orasima
Kombinacija svježeg sremuša sa orasima, sirom, maslinovim uljem i daškom limuna je pun pogodak. Dobijete pesto koji je prijatnog ukusa, aromatičan i intenzivan, a opet osvježavajuć i lagan. Pošto može biti odličan dodatak mnogim jelima, vrijedi imati teglicu u frižideru. Napisala sam i kako da pesto sačuvate za period kad sremuš ne bude u sezoni!
Moja ovogodišnja avantura sa sremušem se nastavlja. Ovog puta vam pišem recept za jedan sjajan pesto od svega nekoliko sastojaka koji možete koristiti na hiljadu načina.
Pesto je zapravo neka vrsta sosa ili namaza koji za osnovu obično ima začinske biljke poput bosiljka, peršuna, korijandera ili neke biljke intenzivnijeg ukusa poput sremuša, rukole ili čak mladi spanać ili kovrdžavi kelj. Osim toga, ostali uobičajeni sastojci su orašasti plodovi ili sjemenke, neki tip sira i maslinovo ulje. U zavisnosti od biljke od koje ste krenuli, dobri dodaci su bijeli luk, sušeni paradajz, inćuni i slično.
Pošto sam sremuš ima intenzivan ukus, dosta je osvježavajući poput listova mladog luka, a opet sa prizvukom arome bijelog luka, htjela sam da to što bolje sačuvam i izaberem sastojke koji ga neće zasjeniti. Zbog toga sam se držala oraha koje sam ostavila sirovim ili sasvim blago prepečenim (obje verzije su odlične). Takođe, dodala sam malu količinu limuna koji za nijansu učini sos laganijim i svježijim.
Iako za klasičan italijanski pesto od bosiljka preferiram parmezan, koji je malo jačeg umami ukusa, ovdje sam se odlučila za pekorino. Radi se o tvrdom ovčijem italijanskom slanom siru koji ima karakterističan ukus sireva od ovčijeg mlijeka, ali je ipak blag i nježnog ukusa. Lijepo upotpunjuje, ali ne prekriva ukus sremuša u pestu. Naravno, ovo je moj predlog ako možete da birate, u suprotnom, koristite onaj koji imate.
Pesto od sremuša je sjajan uz tjesteninu, ali se može koristiti kao dodatak raznim jelima poput rizota, salata, čorbica, kao namaz za sendviče, malo razrijeđen kao preliv preko pečenog povrća, kao premaz za pice ili slana peciva... Ono što je pozitivno je što ga možete napraviti i koristiti u toku cijele nedelje kad je potrebno nečemu poboljšati ukus.
Pošto je sezona sremuša veoma kratka, pametno ga je sačuvati na neki način za kasnije. Može se sušiti, ali koliko sam shvatila, to će dosta smanjiti njegovu hranljivu vrijednost. Može se zamrznuti, ali da bi se najbolje sačuvao, potrebno ga je zamrznuti u ulju, kao i ostale osjetljive biljke, poput nekih začinskih biljaka kao što je bosiljak.
Jedan način je da oprane listove sremuša izblendirate sa maslinovim uljem i malo morske soli i to prespete u kalupe za led, pustite da se zaledi sasvim, a zatim te kockice prebacite u kesu koju dobro zatvorite i imate sremuš kao dodatak jelima kad poželite. Takođe, tako napravljena smjesa bi trebalo da može da se održi u frižideru i dvije-tri nedelje u dobro zatvorenoj teglici.
Drugi način je da napravite pesto i uradite isto što sam navela gore. Prespete u kalup za led, ali ostavite malo prostora pri vrhu kako biste mogli preliti uljem. Zaledite i kockice ubacite u kesu ili neku kutiju koja se dobro zatvara. Kad poželite pesto za pastu ili neko jelo po želji, već je spreman za korišćenje.
Naravno, ovo možete primijeniti na bilo koji tip pesto sosa. Sjajno ga je imati pri ruci, ali ne može tako dugo stajati u frižideru i ako ne želite svako malo da pravite novu turu, ovo je rešenje. :)
Pesto od sremuša sa orasima
Recept za pesto od sremuša veoma intenzivnog i istovremeno osvježavajućeg ukusa. Zvijezda u ovom sosu je sremuš, a dodatak sira i sirovih ili blago prepečenih oraha savršeno upotpunjuje njegov ukus. |
- vrijeme pripreme: 20'
- ukupno vrijeme: 20'
- količina za 1 manju teglu
- 100g listova sremuša
- 1/3 kašičice soli (2g)
- 50g oraha*
- 50g svježe narendanog sira (pekorino, parmezan ili Grana Padano)*
- kašičica limunovog soka (oko 3-4g)
- 100ml maslinovog ulja (oko 90g) + za prelivanje
- Operite sremuš i dobro osušite listove krpom ili papirnim ubrusom.
- Po želji, orahe možete blago prepeći u rerni, nekih 7-8 minuta na 150°, samo toliko da se blago isuše i intenziviraju ukus. Sir narendajte na sitno.
- U sjeckalicu ili multipraktik ubacite najprije orahe i usitnite ih. Dodajte sremuš, so, sir i limunov sok i blendirajte dok se sastojci djelimično ne usitne. Dodajte polovinu količine ulja i blendirajte dok se sastojci ne sjedine. Ako vaša sjeckalica ima otvor odozgo, dok se muti, polago ulijte ostatak ulja ili samo otvorite, uspite i na kraju izmiksajte još na kratko.
- Probajte pesto i po potrebi dodajte još soli ili limuna.
- Prespite u teglicu, prelijte odozgo maslinovim uljem i dobro zatvorite. Čuvajte u frižideru do nedelju dana.
- Pesto od sremuša možete koristiti na mnogo načina. Prvo na šta obično pomislimo je da ga koristimo kao sos za pastu, bez dodataka ili uz neko povrće, sir, tunjevinu, kockice propržene slanine... Takođe, može biti dodatak rizotu, salatama, kao namaz za sendviče, uz pečeno povrće, kao dodatak povrćnom omletu i slično. Njegova primjena je slična kao za ostale vrste ovog sosa, pa možete pogledati moje predloge u receptu za domaći pesto od bosiljka.
- Kako da sačuvate pesto za kasnije korišćenje? Sam sos može ostati svjež nekih nedelju dana u frižideru. Važno je samo da uvijek bude prekriven slojem ulja odozgo i održaće se odlično. Međutim, sezona sremuša je veoma kratka i prava je šteta ne ostaviti nešto za kasnije u toku godine. Jedan od načina je da pesto zamrznete koristeći kalup za led. Napunite kalupe tako da ostane malo prostora odozgo da kašičicom nakapate malo ulja odozgo. Stavite u zamrzivač da se sasvim zaledi - najbolje ako imate poklopac za kalup, a ako nemate, stavite plastičnu foliju odozgo. Kad se sasvim zamrzne, ostavite par minuta na sobnoj temperaturi samo da možete izvući kockice, a zatim ih istresite ili izvucite uz pomoć noža i ubacite u kesu koju ćete dobro zatvoriti. Po potrebi, koristite po nekoliko kockica sosa.
- Za pesto od sremuša sam odabrala orahe jer su manje intenzivni od prepečenih pinjola, ali su masni i imaju svoj karakterističan ukus koji mi djeluje da se odlično slaže sa sremušem. Naravno, po želji ih možete zamijeniti nekim drugim orašastim plodovima ili sjemenkama, a mislim da bi bilo fino sa bademima, indijskim orasima, sjemenkama suncokreta ili pinjolima koje bih obavezno malo istostirala u suvom tiganju.
- Nutritivne vrijednosti nisu precizne, jer nisam uspjela da pronađem podatke za sremuš i umjesto njega sam računala za zelena perca mladog luka. Zapravo, sve te biljke ne utiču mnogo u kalorijskom smislu iako su veoma bogate mineralima i vitaminima i htjela sam da ipak imate predstavu o tome kakav je pesto sveukupno. Najveći dio kalorija dolazi iz maslinovog ulja, koje je bogato mononezasićenim masnim kiselinama, onim koje su dobre za nas.
Nutritivne vrijednosti
- energetska vrijednost: 456kcal
- proteini: 7.7g
- ukupno masti: 47.1g
- ukupno ugljenih hidrata: 4.9g
na 100g
- energetska vrijednost: 160kcal
- proteini: 3g
- ukupno masti: 16g
- ukupno ugljenih hidrata: 2g
po porciji (~35g)
Ako ste u potrazi za idejama sa sremušem, na blogu postoji recept za jedan sjajan mliječni namaz koji je kremast i ukusan, odličan uz uz blago prepečen hljeb i recimo, komadiće paradajza ili pečenu papriku. Takođe, tu je i recept za jednostavne kukuruzne projice sa sremušem koje mogu biti sjajne kao doručak ili brzinska večera, ili kao užina za ponijeti.
Zavidim svima vama koji imate pristup sremusu. Ovde kod mene ga nema u prodaji. Pesto izgleda sjajno!
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OdgovoriIzbrišiSremus pesto is a simple, delicious, and easy-to-make condiment that is healthy, quick to make, and perfect for adding to any meal. The sauce is made from walnuts, basil, pine nuts, parmesan, and garlic. if any person to give do my online exam.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPesto is a pasta sauce made from herbs, garlic, oil, and nuts. This sauce is commonly served with pasta, but it can also be used as a dip for bread or vegetables.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPesto with walnuts, cheese, olive oil, lemon and a hint of lemon is one of the most popular recipes that you can make with basil pesto. It’s a great meal to serve to your friends and family because it’s easy to prepare and tastes great.
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Sremus pesto with walnuts. This sesame seed and olive oil-based sauce is delicious on toast, as a dip for vegetables, or even as a topping for a pasta dish.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe combination of wild garlic pesto and walnuts sounds absolutely delicious! Not only is wild garlic known for its unique flavor, but it also has many health benefits. It's great to see traditional ingredients being used in creative ways to create new and tasty dishes. I can't wait to try this recipe myself and experiment with different ways to incorporate wild garlic pesto into my meals. If you are looking for do my online course for me then you are in the right place we are always ready to help.
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Pesto od Sremuša sa Orasima is a flavorful and aromatic culinary delight. This traditional Serbian dish combines wild garlic, also known as "sremuš," with the richness of walnuts to create a pesto sauce. With its vibrant green color and earthy flavors, it's a versatile condiment perfect for pasta, sandwiches, or as a dip.Arlington Traffic Lawyer
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OdgovoriIzbrišiPesto od sremuša sa orasima je ukusan i osvežavajući sos izrađen od divljeg belog luka (sremuša), orašastih plodova i maslinovog ulja. Sa bogatim aromama i blagim belim lukom, ova kombinacija čini savršen dodatak testeninama, salatama ili kao namaz na tostu, pružajući jedinstvenu mediteransku notu.Abogado DUI Petersburg Virginia
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OdgovoriIzbriši"Pesto od sremuša sa orasima" is a unique pesto that combines the unique taste of wild garlic with the richness of walnuts, creating a memorable culinary experience. The pesto strikes a perfect balance between the pungency of wild garlic and the nutty sweetness of walnuts, showcasing the chef's expertise in flavor pairing. Its versatility makes it a kitchen essential, enhancing various dishes. The pesto is praised for its freshness and homemade quality, appealing to those who appreciate artisanal culinary delights. It also offers nutritional benefits, as wild garlic is known for its health benefits when combined with walnuts. The pesto's texture is praised for its smooth yet slightly chunky texture, adding to its enjoyment. It captures the authenticity of traditional flavors, appealing to those seeking genuine, regional culinary experiences. The pesto's packaging and presentation are also discussed, making it a great gift option or a delightful addition to any kitchen. The pesto is encouraged to be paired with specific pasta types, cheeses, or bread, inspiring customers to experiment with various combinations. Finally, feedback and suggestions are encouraged to foster a sense of community and allow for continuous improvement based on customer preferences.
Pesto od sremuša sa orasima nudi kombinaciju svežeg sremuša i hrskavih oraha, obogaćen vitaminima i antioksidansima. Sveža aroma sremuša se savršeno dopunjuje orašastim ukusom, stvarajući jedinstvenu teksturu, priprema i odličan je dodatak testeninama, hlebu ili kao umak uz razna jela. Divorcio Barato Nueva York
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe walnut-topped wild garlic pesto is a delectable dish whose vivid aromas entice the palate. Wild garlic, or sremuš, adds a pungent essence that melds well with the earthy, rich tones of crushed walnuts to create a distinctive and harmonious blend. The texture has a pleasing crunch from the nuts and is perfectly balanced. This pesto is a great side dish that can be used to enhance spaghetti, sandwiches, or even dips. Fresh wild garlic is a must-have for anyone who like strong, natural flavors in their cooking since it brings a blast of springtime flavor to any dish.
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OdgovoriIzbrišiSremus pesto with walnuts is a unique twist on traditional pesto, offering a rich and flavorful combination of ingredients. Its distinct nutty flavor adds depth to the classic pesto taste, making it a must-try for food enthusiasts. The quality of ingredients and perfect balance of flavors make it a versatile and delicious addition to the kitchen. The addition of walnuts elevates the taste, creating a savory experience that's both indulgent and wholesome. The smooth texture and richness of walnuts enhance the overall dining experience, making Sremus pesto with walnuts a culinary gem worth savoring.
Savor the rich flavors of Sremus Pesto with Walnuts, a delectable twist on the classic. This artisanal blend features the aromatic goodness of basil, garlic, Parmesan, and the nutty crunch of walnuts. Elevate your dishes by spreading this luscious pesto on pasta, sandwiches, or as a flavorful dip. Culinary delight awaits! "Your comment is like a burst of confetti, adding joy to our blog. Each word is a brushstroke on the canvas of conversation, creating a vibrant tapestry of ideas. We eagerly await your next insight, as your contributions light up our digital world. Thanks for being our comment superstar!" legal separation virginia
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OdgovoriIzbrišiPesto od sremuša sa orasima is a culinary delight with a unique flavor profile combining wild garlic and walnuts. This bold pesto is a game-changer in the condiment world, providing a delightful twist to traditional pesto. The combination of wild garlic and walnuts enhances the taste and texture of dishes, making it a must-try for anyone looking to elevate their dining experience. The pesto has become a staple in the kitchen, bringing a burst of unique and aromatic notes to a variety of dishes. Its distinctive flavor and richness offer a gourmet experience that transforms ordinary meals into extraordinary ones.
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OdgovoriIzbrišiThe review for "Pesto od sremuša sa orasima" applauds the recipe for its innovative twist on traditional pesto, incorporating wild garlic and walnuts. The article is commended for its clear instructions and the use of fresh, seasonal ingredients, adding a unique flavor profile to the dish. The review appreciates the versatility of this garlic and walnut pesto, suggesting it as a delightful accompaniment to various dishes. With a focus on both taste and health, the recipe stands out as a delicious and nutritious addition to any culinary repertoire. Overall, it's recognized as a must-try for those looking to elevate their pesto experience with a touch of creativity. abogado de divorcio en nueva jersey
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Pesto is a rich and nutritious food that can be consumed in various forms, such as salads, soups, and desserts. It is rich in vitamins A and C, minerals, and fiber, making it a popular choice in many dishes. The pesto is also rich in protein, vitamins, and fiber, making it a healthy and balanced food source. The pesto can be prepared by combining it with other vegetables, such as pecorin, to create a delicious and nutritious dish. The pesto can be prepared in a variety of ways, such as using it in dishes like pesto, preparing it in a dish, or preparing it in a dish with other vegetables. The preparation process for pesto involves preparing the pesto in a specific way, such as boiling it in a pot, allowing it to cook for several hours. The pesto can also be prepared in a dish with other vegetables, such as pecorin, to create a delicious and healthy dish. In conclusion, pesto is a versatile and nutritious food source that can be enjoyed in various ways. By following the recipe and following the instructions provided, you can enjoy the benefits of pesto without compromising on taste or nutritional value. abogado de accidentes de camiones
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OdgovoriIzbrišiThis pesto featuring walnuts and wild garlic is a delicious culinary discovery! The strong scent and vivid green color immediately pique the interest of the senses. A symphony of flavors is created on the palate by the nutty richness of walnuts and the powerful flavor profile of wild garlic. This is a condiment that may easily take ordinary foods to a gourmet level. Wild garlic pesto with walnuts is always a hit, whether it's spread on crusty toast for a delicious snack or mixed with pasta for a quick midweek dinner. Its earthy, fresh flavor lingers long, making it an essential ingredient for anybody aiming for culinary perfection in any kitchen.
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OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is a fantastic recipe! I've never tried making pesto with wild garlic before, but it sounds like a wonderful flavor combination.
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OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for sharing such an excellent blog! This website is flavorful Serbian-inspired pesto made from wild garlic and walnuts. It offers a rich, garlicky taste and is commonly used as a spread or pasta sauce.
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OdgovoriIzbrišiWild Garlic Pesto with Walnuts is a delicious and simple pesto recipe that combines the earthy aromas of wild garlic with the richness of walnuts. lewd exposureLewd exposure is the intentional sexual display in public, often illegal due to potential harm. It raises concerns about permission, morality, and personal boundaries.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI’ve never heard of Sremus before, but this pesto looks so delicious! The combination of greens and walnuts must be a perfect blend of flavors. I’m a huge fan of homemade pesto, and this twist with walnuts sounds incredible! Thanks for sharing this unique recipe—definitely trying it soon. solicitation of prostitution virginia
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OdgovoriIzbriši"Wow, this pesto od sremuša sa orasima sounds absolutely delicious! 🌿🥜 The combination of wild garlic and walnuts is such a unique and flavorful twist. Perfect for adding a fresh, aromatic touch to any dish. Can’t wait to try it! 😍 #HealthyAndTasty #PestoLove"
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OdgovoriIzbrišiThe phrase is also used in expressions like "handed to you on a plate," meaning something is readily available or provided without work. It combines the fresh, garlicky flavor of wild garlic with the richness of walnuts, creating a unique and flavorful spread or sauce. The mixture typically includes olive oil, salt, and sometimes cheese, blended to a smooth consistency. This pesto can be used with pasta, as a dip, or spread on bread. It’s a seasonal recipe, often prepared in the spring when wild garlic is abundant.
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